Finding Your Answers

Many see things one way or view it another way based on their upbringings or beliefs from past generations. This often clashes with other groups who believe in an opposing doctrine as truth. Beliefs are passed down by family and through culture, accepting that this is how things are and will always be. This does not hold true in the higher dimensions. What is true for you at this time in your life may not be true for you in the future.

In reality, change is more common. It is through change that the problems plaguing the world can be solved. The solution cannot be found at the same level where the problem was created. One must move into a place of neutrality in order to view the problem and its roots. Rather than asking the question of where did the problem start or how did we go wrong, one should be looking for the solution to the situation or what is the best way to resolve the problem.

The answer is always in the same space where the question is asked. How does one access the answer? As we have said before, be in a space where you can observe. Find a quiet place to sit. Set aside the mind chatter and any biases. Set your intention and step aside to allow the answer to reveal itself. Watch, listen, or allow the answers to be known to you after asking your question. It may come as a feeling or knowing. If you do not understand the answer, ask that it be presented in another way. It is always there waiting to be accessed. Know that the answer will come to you.

Structure your question in a simple manner such as, “Will Jim’s idea solve our problem? Yes or no?” If the answer returns as “No,” your next question may be, “Will Jim’s idea lead us to the resolution of our problem?” Keep your questions simple and specific with yes or no answers.

Approach the situation from different viewpoints. If you are holding an event and selling refreshments, you will need to estimate how many people are likely to attend. If you ask, “Will there be 100 participants?” and the answer is a yes, your next question should be, “Will there be over 100 participants?” You can decide from the answer what your next question should be and how to structure it. Such an approach will give you a more specific answer.

How you ask your questions will determine how accurate your answer will be. We suggest you check your answer by asking the question in a different way such as in the previous example. Start with easy questions for everyday situations. This will help you build your confidence in working with this tool and also allow you practice with how to structure your questions to receive your answers to the problem.

We use the word tool to refer to a means of assisting you. These questions can also be answered with the use of a pendulum or by muscle testing. Keep an open mind and trust. Doubt is a third dimensional characteristic and will not assist you in the higher planes. Ask your higher self to assist you if needed.

Wishing you love in all that you do,




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