You may find it is more difficult in the morning to state what you are grateful for. Here are some suggestions to assist you.

Thank you for:

  • A new day; a new beginning.
  • Being alive.
  • Each person who enters my life today and the blessing or lesson they have to offer me.
  • The quietude of the early morning, offering a moment to pause and to be, rather than listing the many things to be done today. (None of them are as important as me.)
  • The comfort of a good night’s sleep allowing me to awaken refreshed and renewed and to welcome my day with a smile.
  • The knowledge and wisdom that has been bestowed on me and the responsibility to use it for the good of others.
  • The knowingness that I am always loved and never alone, even when I might feel or think otherwise.
  • The Universe that always has my back.
  • Each moment in every day offering me choices.
  • The knowledge that God is my source and supply.
  • Free will and free choice.
  • The little things in life that lead to bigger events of celebration.
  • The opportunity to share a smile with another.
  • The opportunity to be there for another when needed.
  • Being who I am and accepting myself just as I am, no matter what.
  • Seeing the uniqueness in each of us instead of considering it as separation.
  • What I do have in life; for everything I need is already available to me.
  • My cat who reminds me of humility and service to others  rather than her attitude of ‘me first.’
  • The opportunity to choose how I learn my lessons.
  • The above words of gratitude were given to me by my soul as I started to write a much different list. From the little me, things are much more simplified. I thank God for the smaller things in life, such as:
  • A new day and new dawn.
  • My laughter which reminds me not to take life so seriously and keeps me out of unsupportive energy.
  • Accepting and believing in myself.
  • The opportunity to ‘plant seeds’ when given to me. (Share a message or suggest something, knowing it will give them the insight for when they are ready.)
  • The opportunity to choose how I want my day to be.
  • The little things in life that lead to bigger things.
  • The opportunity to appreciate what I have and use it.
  • The opportunity to move the body and feel alive.
  • Friends, the archangels, angels, ascended masters, and inner guidance.
  • The opportunity to learn something new today.

May these suggestions give you more ideas for being grateful.


Wishing you love in all that you do,


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