Gratitude: The Right Mindset

What you think and what you say can make a difference in what dimension you are in. Edgar Cayce, a seer beyond his time, always said, “The mind is the builder.” The thoughts you think can determine where your mind is and even the dimension you are playing in. The more you think about whatever is bothering you, the more power you give it.

When things are not going smoothly, instead of listing all the things that are wrong in your life, transition your mind by listing or thinking about all that is going right in your life. It may be difficult to find what is going right in life, but you do have many things to be thankful for, such as a new day that brings the opportunity to shift at least one of those things that are going wrong in your life.

It is through the practice of gratitude one becomes grateful for all that is given. Developing a practice of gratitude before getting up in the morning makes you more aware of the small things throughout the day that say, “This is something I should be grateful for.” You become aware of how many things are a matter of grace, how easily things begin to flow to you and how the universe works with you and for you. When you are in a habit of saying at least five things to be grateful for before getting out of bed, you are starting your day with the right attitude instead of saying, “I must do this and this today and how will I get all of this done?” Before going to sleep, thank God for five things you were thankful for that day. It will help you set your attitude for the sleep state, perhaps with a smile on your face. The practice of gratitude opens your heart and mind to much more. The universe sees what you are grateful for, knows you want more and gives you more to be thankful for.

For those going through difficult times and feeling they have nothing to be grateful for, take the time to write down five things every morning. Write each on a separate small piece of paper, fold each paper and place them in a small basket on your kitchen table.

You must sit and write at least five things. It may be, “I am grateful I got up this morning” or “I am grateful I am alive. I am grateful for a place to live. I am grateful for friends who are supporting me through these times.” Use whatever is appropriate for the situation instead of what you do not have. You are creating a pattern of positive attitude and drawing more positive situations to you. Life can be a rollercoaster; help yourself prepare for the downturns by making them less stressful through the practice of gratitude.

Write five gratitude notes every day before beginning your day. When you feel down, remove one from the basket and read it. Be grateful you have things to be grateful for. Then continue removing each piece of paper in the basket. Refold them and put them back into the basket for another day or repeat if needed. Then create five more. This method was given to me by a friend who helped me through so many challenges when I first moved to New Mexico.

Throughout the day you become aware of just how truly blessed you are. During your prayers, thank God for being so truly blessed. You will find by doing so that more blessings are given to you. It is not just saying the words, it is recognizing how blessed you are and truly feeling blessed. The heart opens when you put feeling and a sense of gratitude into your life. This helps you walk through troubled times knowing in it is a blessing in some way.

Be thankful for everything that happens to you. It may just be an easier lesson than it could have been. Gratitude brings grace into your life and allows you to live a life that flows; a life offering more than you could imagine as the universe gives you more to be thankful for. Gratitude is a gift you give yourself.

Wishing love in all that you do,




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