There is much information available on the internet on what to have and buy to prepare physically for coming times. How do you prepare yourself for coming times. From this information you will draw much solace. It is the opportunity to walk through anything. We have said before to be without fear and to believe that all is in divine order; for it is. We have also asked you to meditate. It is through meditation that you learn to quiet the mind and to be still.
Being still allows one to see things from a higher perspective, to note the play that is occurring and to make a decision of what you wish to do from there. We suggest that you sit back, watch the play unfold and do not become a part of it. It is when you are drawn in that you no longer can remain an observer or are able to make good decisions. This is why we say to meditate so you can prepare yourself for times to come. Exactly how it will unfold no one knows. There are so many variables in the play you see before you.
Your job is to step back and observe. Let those who are to be a part of the play to play their part. Your part is to observe and stay in your own space. Take care of yourself first, for you cannot assist others when you yourself need help.
Be still or ‘be still and know I Am’ can also be found through meditation. It is meeting God in Spirit. This is why we wish for you to be able to calm yourself and be in that place of stillness. When you are, the noise is lessened or quieted and passes you by. You do not take part in the play around you. The noise will seem to be playing out in the distance. Through meditation you can have the awareness of God.
What is it that you choose to do? Do you choose to be an actor or yourself; knowing who you are and why you are here? It is all up to you. Prepare means to be able to still the noise in your mind and around you when meditating and to view things from a higher perspective.
Those who choose to live, will. Those who choose to stay, will. Make your choice wisely as to what it is you wish to do. Work on removing your baggage. Many feel they have cleared all of their stuff. Go in and ask what it is that still needs to be cleared.
Do you also love yourself unconditionally just as you are? As you move into higher dimensions, you are expanding your energy. For the majority, it will be through love that they move into fifth dimension. This means you must love yourself unconditionally just as you are. Keep expanding the love for yourself so that it can be extended to others around you. This is an uplifting thing.
Wishing you love in all that you do,