Where are the Masters When You Need Them?

In the last two years or so, there has been much talk about chaos and things to come. Being prepared may be done over time if need be. Do what you can when you can. there are so many things you need, depending on your situation and money available.
When the Masters were being written about in a few books, there were many things occurring. People needed help or assistance at times. The villagers knew of the Masters and used them when the community or individuals in the community needed help.
There are still Masters working today. Their life span can be well over two hundred and fifty years if they choose to continue to study the Laws and help people. Some of them are over one thousand years old. The world could use more Masters to bring peace, joy, and love to the world.
If we compare the actions of the early Masters to today, our current way of life appears very needy and getting worse. For example, the homeless problem has not been solved. Instead, they camp under bridges, on streets, under overpasses, along freeways, sidewalks and almost anywhere they can. That is only one of many current problems.
Today’s population faces many more problems such as high inflation for food, gas, and other necessary commodities. Worldwide production of oil is falling even as its use increases. There are still many more problems. Help is being given but more is needed. These are certainly not all the problems being faced. Now, there are extreme  temperatures, fires, and manufacturing plants exploding.
In the future, civilization will form special communities to survive. The large cities will be worse off, with many individuals living in a crowded area with little food to survive. People have been told to get out of the cities, getting away from the crowds and lawlessness. Yet living off the grid brings other challenges like heating your small home, wild animals, and trying to grow your own food.
In Love and Light,

Check out more about the Masters in my book on Amazon

Ancient Laws for Modern Times

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